Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Radical Self-Care 101

Last night, I woke up around 2:30am and though I was feeling the early contractions of labor.  I'm at 36.5 weeks so this would not have been a crisis necessarily, except that, for all my talk of contingency plans, I really wasn't ready to figure out what to do with the back to back classes that I'm supposed to teach tomorrow and with the numerous meetings I still have scheduled in the next couple of weeks before the semester ends.  Sure, I know that everyone is well aware of the situation and will be flexible, but it was overwhelming just thinking about it.  Ah, my old familiar friend, overwhelm.  I'm sure the fact that I had only gotten 3-4 hours of restless sleep and was thinking about this in between contractions wasn't helping matters.

I did not actually go into labor and was able to get to sleep successfully by 3:30 am.  I woke up at 5:45 (my son is an early bird) though and was exhausted.  So, what better reason to have a major self-care day.  I figured, with the real early labor possibility and the impending end of the semester, this would be one of the last few opportunities for me to truly take a day to get myself together.

So, after dropping my son off at school, I came home and took a 2-hour nap.  Then I did get a little work done before heading out for lunch and a pedicure.  It was so nice to have a little bit of time to rest, relax and take care of myself.  And, as I stare at my toes, I remember how it's the little things that make such a huge difference in life.

I know, of course, the despite the best laid (and incredibly packed) plans of the next few weeks, if the baby decides she's ready to meet the world early, I'd better be prepared, but it was nice to take a day for myself.  It was pretty radical, in fact.  


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Oh Where, Oh Where, Has My Motivation Gone?

Actually, the title of this blog is misleading.  This is my couch (with a friendly stuff carrot pillow).  This is where my motivation has gone.  I thought about taking a picture of the drain, but honestly, it's really about the couch.  If I could stay home all day and rest on the couch, with my feet up, a cold glass of spa water and food delivery, I'd be set.

In reality, despite a severe lack of motivation, I have a lot of stuff to get done before I meet this baby girl: tons of grading to do (but none of it actually in my inbox yet--it's all pending and coming in the next 3 weeks), presentations to coordinate, a curriculum proposal consultation, accreditation meetings to attend, finishing up the flipped curriculum course I'm taking, teaching, volunteering for my son's class, taking him to school everyday, etc. etc. etc.

And, the lack of motivation with the life set up for a highly motivated person means that actually, I just spend a lot of time being tired.  I fight with myself about the things I have to do v. the things I should do v. the level at which I have to do the things that I have to do and all of this takes energy (as does carrying around a baby full time).  While I've thankfully been able to get decent sleep 2 nights in a row, it's always a toss-up.  Without sleep, I feel like I'm going through the motions of my life...very, very slowly.

I know it's all preparation for when Baby Girl comes and I'm actually so excited for her arrival (and still somewhat hopeful that it will come after all of this work is done) but seriously, some extended couch time would be awesome.

Friday, April 10, 2015

PSA: Car seats expire

There's a certain amount of hubris that comes from having a second child when your first child is a reasonably high functioning human being.  You think, despite all your trepidation about having a new infant in the house that, hey, at least you've been there once, and you've got some experience with the whole new baby process.

So, imagine my surprise when, at a PTA gathering this morning, the subject of car seat expiration dates comes up.

"Car seats expire?!" I exclaimed, incredulous.

"You didn't know that?!" Responded my friends, just as incredulously.

Um, no.

So, my friends told me to look on the bottom of my car seat, which I did as soon as I got home, but that didn't give me the expiration date, so I turned to my bff, google, who informed me that my carseat expired 5 years after the manufacture date, which was 8 years ago (BTW, the internet also was incredulous that I didn't know about the child seat expiration date).  Um, whoops.

And this has been your friendly public service announcement about car seat expiration dates lest you be ridiculed by moms who are in the know or stopped on the way home from the hospital.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Welcome to the rest of my life...

Hi there! This is me at 33 weeks pregnant at my baby shower.  I'm just going to be honest--this blog is not going to be my best work.  I have two other blogs that will probably include substantively better writing quality.  One of them is about food (which I haven't posted on since I found out I was pregnant, not because I don't still eat out regularly, but because my tastebuds are all messed up from being pregnant and I can't eat a lot of things and I get heartburn which probably has little to do with the food and more to do with the baby) and the other is about my journey as an academic.  And, as an academic, I actually write peer-reviewed journal articles related to literacy, secondary education, and teacher education which has gone through a lot of thinking, revision, critique, editing, etc.  But, this blog is basically a brain dump related to my life as a "new mom" (new for the 4th time). 

Ah, so, if you don't know me, you may wonder how I can be a "new mom" for the 4th time.  Well, I have two twin girls that are adopted who came to our family at the age of 15.  This was 10 years ago (so they're now 25).  While my husband and I were going through the lengthy adoption process, we found out (to our surprise) that I was also pregnant with our first biological child, a little boy, who is now 9 (and hilarious).  If you're interested in that story, you can check it out here.

But, after going from engaged to married with 3 kids in the space of 18 months, I needed a bit of a break on the new children front.  So I took a 9 year break.  That break is soon to be broken (within the next 6 weeks, in fact) by a baby girl.  Our family's pretty excited, but along with that excitement is the realization that I completely have forgotten what it's like to raise an infant (and I'm not convinced that I did such a great job the first time--my theory is that my son's awesomeness is totally a fluke of God & nature).  

And so, I've decided (with encouragement from a friend of mine) to blog a little about my mothering journey since I blog about the other important things in my life (work and food).  

So, here we go.  Welcome and I hope you enjoy the bumpy ride into my mommy brain.  It's bound to be a wild and sometimes aimless ride, but hopefully it will be fun and interesting too.